My Sentence Making Journey is a great way to get younger students started in making/writing complete sentences.
The booklet has the "Alphabet" as its primary theme.
The completed sentences have at least one word of the highlighted alphabet from the page.
Check out our complete booklet for only $3.00!
Click here: My Sentence Making Journey
Try out these FREE sample pages with your students!
Included are sample pages from our complete booklet,
My Writing Journeys-Junior Grades ( UK & Australia). Click here...My Writing Journeys-Junior Grades ( UK & Australia)
Please note: We also carry a U.S. Version in our store. Click here... My Writing Journeys -U.S.
These activities are suitable for students in Grades 4-6.
An excellent accompaniment to the Daily 5 Program!
Cross-curricular topics too!
Includes a variety of "writing forms".
Each two-page activity includes "word wall" words for each activity. Great for word study. Also contains graphic organizers and an art/drawing section.
Some topics/activities could be linked to Health, Science and Visual Arts.
Total Pages 9
Included are 2 FREE sample activities-3 pages each- from our complete Primary Grade journal book.
These activities could be used by students in Grades 1-3, depending on their level and ability.
Practice vocabulary words related to the topic/theme.
Work on graphic organizers as a class or group.
Write and then draw about the engaging topic.
Includes printing practice pages too!
These activities are user friendly and they could be used in many different ways.
Some teachers are using them as a daily morning warm up or part of their existing language program.
My Writing Journeys Primary Grades
Click here: My Writing Journeys PRIMARY GRADES
Total Pages 8
Just in time to start thinking about Christmas!
Included are templates that could be used for stories and poetry.
Also included are ready to use acrostic, diamante and cinquain templates.
Students can colo(u)r the fun template frames as well!
Once completed, templates could be framed to make a quick gift for someone special at Christmas.
Pgs. 22
A great way to officially welcome Spring is through poetry.
Included are 4 poetry template sheets that your students will enjoy working on.
2- different designs to choose from,
Diamante (great for reviewing adjectives and verbs)
Hello Spring...Goodbye Winter
Good Bye Rain...Hello Sunshine (great for reviewing verbs and the importance of rain and sun)
SPRING word make
Total Pages 11
great way to have your students ring in the new year!
Included are 2 sheets with 8 different designs in French to choose from.
Print on cardstock, cut and have students fill in and color!
Laminate after students have colored for durability.
TIP: Print both sheets back to back and have a two sided bookmark!**
Have you ever read a book or a novel with your students and then wanted to do a movie comparison?
There are many books and novels that have been made into movies. For example, Holes, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The BFG and many more.
This resource will be a great way for your students to do a novel/movie comparison.
Included are two versions of jot note sheets, a Venn diagram sheet and a drawing sheet for those students that have difficulty with writing a comparison.
Also contains a 2 page movie review!
To assist the teacher in selecting books to make movie comparisons, the package also includes 23 titles of children's books/novels that were made into movies. Book/novel grade interest levels are also included.
Total Pages 10
The Euro Cup is scheduled to be held in France from June 10 to July 10, 2016.
Use these fun activities to get your students involved and excited about the Euro Cup!
Included are:
-word search and word search answer sheet
-vocabulary sentence writing sheet
-crossword and crossword answer sheet
-Euro Cup Acrostic template
-Euro Cup Diamante template
-Euro Cup word make
Total Pages
Euro Cup 2016 Quick Facts & Activities contains facts for students to learn about the Euro Cup.
It also lists the countries participating and an opportunity to design an original logo and mascot.
Euro Cup country participants and flag matching activity is included (answer sheet as well).
Also included is a quick facts quiz and a sheet to name all the countries participating is included as well.
Total Pages 9
Have you and your students caught the "Baseball Fever!!!" yet?
Get your students excited about baseball by challenging them with these baseball vocabulary matches!
Contains 3 vocabulary match sheets (answer sheets included), with a total of 44 baseball vocabulary words.
Total Pages 7
Answer Key Included
Get your students involved and excited in participating in the 2016 Euro Cup with these interactive score sheets.
Set includes sheets that teachers and students can fill in with the game scores.
Large sheets could be used by the teacher/class and the small sheets could be used by the students to follow along.
Sheets include the date of the games, the country flags of the teams playing and a section for students to fill in the score of the games.
For the Round of 16, Quarter Final, Semi Final and Final games, students can draw the flags of the teams playing.
A bonus Country Flag sheet fill in/match sheet is included as well as the answer sheet.
Total Pages 15
Get your students excited and involved in the Euro Cup!
Games start on June 10, 2016.
Included for your students to work on:
-a soccer vocabulary sheet
-fill in the blank match sheet (answers included)
-a sentence writing sheet
-alphabetical order sheet
-"Euro Cup" acrostic template
-Design a Flag template
Total Pages 8
These Earth Day activities could be used to initiate class discussion on the environment, and the 3Rs.
Use these activities as "hand out" sheets or as "task cards" (print on cardstock and laminate) in a center.
The activities could also be used as writing prompts for older
Contains "create a poster" and "Earth Day" acrostic templates too!
Within these activities, students will review "verbs" as well as
Students will also be able to create new words using the words, Earth Day.
BONUS: The First Earth Day information sheet included!
Total Pages 10
A fun way to celebrate Groundhog Day.
Use the word search (answers included) to introduce or review
Also included is a creative story template sheet.
Students will write about Groundhog Day from the point of view of the groundhog.
Total Pages 4
A Christmas Collection, a creative way to get your students excited and learn about Christmas!
This package contains:
a sheet with 9 Christmas pictures/symbols in color
a sheet of the same pictures/symbols in black and white
A sheet with the vocabulary words for the 9 pictures/symbols
The students could use these sheets to cut and match the pictures/symbols with the vocabulary word.
A "Christmas Tree" word make. Challenge your students to see how many words they can make with the words "Christmas Tree".
A word search with 20 symbol words is also included (with answer sheet). A sentence writing sheet to have students expand on their vocabulary is included as well.
Last but not least, 2 Christmas poem templates and a website sheet are included.
The website sheet includes 5 websites that could be used as
mini lessons on Christmas symbols.
Total Pages 11
This mini package is ideal for the older students to sneak in some Halloween fun!
It contains:
4 -Acrostic sheet templates (sentence writing)
4 -Word Make templates
a word search with Halloween vocabulary (answer sheet included)
a word sort, to have the students place the vocabulary words found in the word search, in the correct part of speech category
a story template for students to write a story with the word search vocabulary words
Total Pages 13
This Winter Collection will have your students warmed up in no time!
It contains:
A Winter Lune Template
Snowflake Word Make
Winter Word Map
Snowflake Diamante Template
Snowman Acrostic Template
A Snowman Diamante Template
Total Pages 7
Introducing the interactive hands-on cornucopia.
This mini package contains templates to build the interactive
Have the students color the empty cornucopia, the fruits and vegetables.
Once everything is colored, have the students cut the items and paste them onto a large construction paper,
while filling the cornucopia.
The completed cornucopia could be used as a Thanksgiving placemat or portrait.
As an extension:
-have students label each item
-use item words in sentences
-use item words in a story
Great for ESL, FSL, Special Ed. and for teaching "perspective" in Visual Arts.
Total Pages 4
Getting to know your students in the first few weeks of school could be somewhat of a challenge.
This package will assist you in getting to know your students, as well as have your students ease into the new school year.
Included are:
-Some Things About Me
-My School Goals
-Starting Your School Day
-After Your School Day
-Word Association Activities
-Creative Word Make
Each activity comes in color and in black and white too!
Have your students color the black and white version for an extra art activity!
20 pages.
Getting to know your students in the first few weeks of school could be somewhat of a challenge.
This package will assist you in getting to know your students, as well as have your students ease into the new school year.
Included are:
Certaines choses sur moi - Some Things About Me
Mes objectifs de l'école - My School Goals
Commencer votre journée scolaire - Starting Your School Day
Après votre journée scolaire - After Your School Day
Les activités d'association de mots - Word Association Activities
Faire des mots - Creative Word Make
Each activity comes in color and in black and white too!
Have students color the black and white for an extra activity.
Total Pages 20